What’s My Weather?

Another common question I receive is guests asking me what the weather is like in Taveuni. Many of the weather apps seem to take their information from the current weather in Suva. We are quite a bit north of Suva and our weather is sunnier and drier. I am definitely no weather expert and it is easy for me since I can just look out the window. We do have amazing mountains and rainforests on Taveuni so we have more rain in those parts of the island. Taveuni Palms is located at the northern end of the island and we enjoy the best of both worlds with cooling sea breezes and sunny skies. I am sure everyone has their own favourite weather app that they use as there are so many available. For myself, I like to check out Windy.com I like that I can zero in on our location.
I bet that you didn’t know we even have our own weather station in Taveuni, who needs high tech!
Don’t hesitate to email or call me if you would like an update. Photo credit: Kamacatchme Photography
Moce Mada